Magic Man Asks the Princess to be his Girlfriend

The Princess and the Wizard had been fighting together for a while

They fought the Chimp Empire Army many times

They always came out on top

They used magic and weapons and anything they could to kick chimp booty

They had grown close

The Wizard knew that he didn’t want to be with anyone else

He always wanted to be by the Princess’ side

And the Princess cared about the Wizard very much, she didn’t want anyone else

She always wanted the Wizard to be her Magic Man

They loved spending time together and kicking chimp butt

They hadn’t had a lot of time together since they’d been busy fighting the Chimp Empire and doing research

And the Wizard knew he loved the Princess

He wanted to be with her and be her boyfriend

He felt close to her but he wasn’t sure if she felt the same way

The Princess loved her magic ring that let her fly with her magical pink butterfly wings

She used it to slay many chimps

They would howl and screech when she flew over them and they couldn’t reach her

So the Wizard thought that since the princess loved her ring so much he would make her a new one

The Wizard was very nervous

Because even though he was a great Wizard, he wasn’t sure if the Princess felt the same way

But he would give her the ring and ask her to be his girlfriend

So he thought long and hard about what the Princess loved

He thought it should be something she loved, something romantic, and something that she could always have with her so she would know that he was always with her and thinking about her

He knew he had made the Princess a lot of things, like her magical shapeshifting weapon, and her butterfly magic ring, and her magic glass and her magic cloak

But he wanted something extra

He always wanted to make something new for the Princess and make her happy

Eventually the idea came to him

When the Princess was on the balcony of the castle

Smiling as she enjoyed the rain

They both loved the rain

The Wizard didn’t even know it was raining

He was studying the elixir inside the castle

The rain had slowed and the sun came through

And it made a rainbow!

The Princess was so excited that she went and grabbed the Wizard and dragged him outside to show him!

She grabbed his hand and the Wizard found that when they were both on the balcony, the rain still going, that they were still holding hands

The rainbow was beautiful

The Wizard couldn’t help thinking that the Princess was more beautiful

He enjoyed the moment with her, feeling the rain together and holding her hand

And the idea hit him!

He would give her a rainbow!

So the Wizard waited

Until the next time there was a rainbow

The Princess was napping

And there was a great big rainbow in the sky

The Wizard brought out a ring and began casting lots of magic!

He grabbed the rainbow

One color at a time

And put all the colors into the magic crystal of the ring!

They swirled and shimmered

the Wizard thought this was a great present

He waited until the Princess woke up from her nap

He couldn’t wait to show her the ring

But he didn’t want to wake her when she was sleeping

He told her it was raining outside

She got excited and grabbed the Wizards hand and said they had to go see if there were any rainbows!

The Wizard was just happy he got to hold the Princess’ hand again while they enjoyed the rain together

The Wizard told the Princess that he had something for her

A present!

And that he wanted to ask her something, but that even though the Wizard could cast spells, sometimes his brain struggled to find the words

When he was with her he felt like his mind wouldn’t stop racing

He told the Princess that he loved spending time with her

More than anyone else in the whole world

And he wanted to be with her always

Not just as her Magic Man

But as her boyfriend

But he knew that he was only a Wizard, but he would do everything he could to be worthy of the Princess

He told her since she loved the rainbows, he had enchanted one into a ring just for her

So she would always have one with her

And know that she would always have the Wizard by her side

He showed her the ring

The Princess loved it!!!!!

She couldn’t believe the Wizard had given her a rainbow!

She told him that she didn’t want to be with anyone else either

And that she cared about the Wizard very much

And she had feelings for him too

And that she wanted to make sure that even when they had to fight chimps they always made time for each other

For fun and play and naps and games and magic and pranks and holding hands

She told the Wizard that of course she would be his girlfriend

The Wizard was so nervous that he didn’t know what to say!

He just smiled and put the ring in her hand

Then he leaned in and kissed her!

The kiss was amazing

The Princess told him it was about time!

She’d been waiting!

And that’s the story of how the Princess and the Wizard became more than just chimp fighting partners and became girlfriend and boyfriend!


Magic Man gets Taken Hostage by a Chimp Spy!


The Wizard Makes an Enchanted Weapon for the Princess