Spy Chimp gets His New Boss A Nanner Phone

Now let’s see here………….

Now before Spy Chimp ended up in Princess’ prison

He got a mission from his new chimp boss

He had to fix the boss’ phone!

How else would he make important chimp calls

Chimp had to fix his boss’ nanner phone

His new boss was very grumpy

Boss Chimp said he better fix the banana phone or else

So he went to the store

Spy Chimp got lots of money from his boss to fix the phone

He got chimperment moneys

He had a budget for things like this

Spy Chimp went to the store

He had to see if they had a new nanner phone

What the chimp?!?!?

Frickin’ chimp store didn’t have nanner phones

They only had apple phones


Who the chimp wants an apple phone?!?!

The antenna is super small

Oh what the chimp

A new apple phone is $1,600 chimp bucks?!?!?

Boss didn’t want a frickin’ apple

He wanted a nanner phone

Spy Chimp went to the next store

They had something called a Window’s phone

What the chimp

You can’t even eat a window

What kind of chimping nanner phone store was this?!?

Spy Chimp went back to Boss Chimp and told him they didn’t have any nanner phones

Only apple phones

Boss Chimp was very annoyed

What the heck did he pay Spy Chimp for?!?!?

Spy Chimp was supposed to go to TECHIMP SUPPORT

Nanner phones were for chimp government use ONLY



He got paid the big chimp bucks!!!!

Chimp went down to chimp tech support

He had to make sure he got nanner phone for the boss

He opened the door to the nanner scientists




Look like this was the nap room


Hey wait a minute

Chimps don’t get nap breaks!!!!!

This was the right room!

Dang chimp support was taking a nap!

Spy Chimp wanted a nap break too

But then he knew Boss Chimp would get extra cranky cause no nanner phone

Spy Chimp didn’t like it when boss got cranky

He demanded that chimp support give him a new nanner phone for the boss!

Chimp Support asked for a bribe!

What the heck?!?

The chimp wants money?

Spy Chimp remembered the moneys boss gave him

He gave him some of the money

Support Chimp seemed satisfied

He opened big drawer that was full of nanner phones

And gave Spy Chimp one of them

Oh thank chimp

Spy chimp had been running around all day

He was hungry!

Man he couldn’t believe support chimps got a whole room full of nanners

Maybe that’s why he only wanted moneys

Now that hit the spot

That was a tasty nanner

Kinda crunchy though

Oki now where’s phone?

Support Chimp couldn’t believe it

Spy Chimp had eaten a nanner phone!!!

What the heck Spy Chimp!!!!

That was the phone for the boss!!!!


Tech Support Chimp gave him another and told him to deliver it to the boss

No eating it


Spy Chimp thought that nanner tasted funny

But he wasn’t going to turn down a free nanner

Spy Chimp took the nanner phone back to the boss chimp

Boss Chimp was very unhappy

He had to wait all day!

Well well well

Where had Spy Chimp been all day?!?

All the boss had wanted was a new nanner phone!

Spy Chimp grabbed nanner phone out of bag

And handed it to the Boss Chimp

Boss Chimp said it was perfect!

The peel was green

That meant the nanner phone and battery were new

Boss chimp old phone was all brown and had lots of spots on it

No good for making calls

Not even good enough to eat!

This was just what Boss Chimp needed

Boss Chimp gave Spy Chimp a nanner from his drawer

Spy Chimp had gotten him a good nanner phone

Spy chimp did good?!? 😃


He happily munched his nanner


Dang that was gone fast

Spy Chimp was hungry

Boss Chimp then told Spy Chimp he had super secret mission for him
It might be impossible

But it was up to his best chimp agent

Who was apparently out sick with monkey pox

So instead it fell to Spy Chimp

What was it with all the cases of monkey pox any time there was a nanner festival?!?!? 🤔🐒

The chimp world may never know

But the Spy Chimps next mission……

Was to steal the Wizard’s wand!

It was a chimpossible mission


We know how that went

And that’s the story of how Spy Chimp got the boss a new nanner phone


Spy Chimp’s Punishment


Princess and the Magical Hair Brush