Magic Man and Princess Experiment with the Elixir

The Princess returned to the Wizard in the study

She found the Wizard looking at all sorts of vials, some with lots of different colors and smells!

One set was full of red liquid

Another was made of something yellow!

And another one was shimmering and glowing but didn’t smell like much to her

She asked the Wizard what he found out

The Wizard told her he had figured out how to make it

But the real question was if he would be able to draw out its magic effects!

The Wizard was going to do another experiment

The Princess asked if she could help!

She liked being a good helper

The Wizard told her that he had tried drinking the elixir, to see if it was poison

Nothing had happened, but he felt better

He had tried adding it to water

But it didn’t seem to like water

It just floated above the water!

The Princess asked if maybe they should try using it on an injury

The Wizard tried that, but found that the elixir didn’t work with animals

It was meant to work on humans

But there was something missing

Clearly there was more too it than just drinking some of it

The Wizard was thinking hard

When the Princess asked about fire!!!

The Wizard hadn’t tried that yet!

So he took a bottle of the elixir from his magical bottomless bag

And poured it into a small bowl

Then he snapped his fingers and the sparks from his fingers ignited the elixir!

Fire danced over the surface of the liquid and it seemed to burn hot, with golden flames leaping out at the top

The Wizard was impressed!

But they still couldn’t tell if the elixir would work

So he volunteered to put his hand in the bowl


That was a BAD idea!

The flames burned the Wizard!

And his hand hurt like heck!

The Princess was upset the Wizard had hurt himself

Even if it was to help her!

She took the Wizards hand in hers, very gentle, and kissed it

The Wizard was confused!

Why was the Princess kissing his hand?!?

The Princess told him that there was supposed to be magic in a kiss, that would help one feel better

The Wizard couldn’t believe it when his skin began glowing and healed faster than he thought possible!

Magic! He thought

Magic is the element we have been missing!!!

The magic was gone after hundreds of years!

He gave the Princess a great big hug and thanked her for how amazing and smart she was

The Princess was excited that she got to help the Wizard and his hand was healing!

The Wizard told her that he would have a better elixir and a better way for it work work

The Princess was very happy she got to witness to such a powerful and magical form of healing!

The Princess vowed she would help the Wizard as much as she could!

The two of them got really excited for more testing and to see where it would go!


The Story of How Princess Met Lucy the Guineabear


The Princess Tries Chimp Sage’s Magic Herbs