Magic Man Finds Buried Pirate Treasure!

A long time ago

I, Magic Man, was on a treasure hunt!!!

I was on the coast of a faraway land with my friends

And I had found a treasure map!

We were on a hunt for buried pirate treasure

First we went down to the beach

We didn’t find anything there

Just jellyfish and seashells

Then we went up the cliffs!

Nothing there, just beautiful views and lots of flowers

We went into a biiiiiigggg ravine and checked there

The map said the treasure might be through the swamp!

We had to hack trees and vines and not get stuck in the mud

Frogs went RIBBIT

and Croaaaaak

Birds went chirp chirp!

And the mosquitos went bzzzzzzzzz

We walked for a long time through the swamp

We checked one spot, but all we found was mud

We checked another spot!

But all we found was rocks

But in the third spot, we found lots of sand

And then suddenly, when we were digging, we found a chest!

Magic Man knew that had to be the treasure!

He opened it up and it was full of shining trinkets, glittering cold and silver, covered in the age of dirt after being buried

I grabbed the loot and me and my cousins climbed back up the ravine, until we made it to grandpas house

There we divided the treasure up evenly, because all of us had helped find it and dig for it

And we all promised that if we ever buried treasure, we would leave a map so that another treasure hunt could happen and the others would be able to find it!

And that’s the story of how Magic Man found buried pirate treasure!


Magic Man Fights a Hydra


Magic Man Visits a Far Away Land and Finds Ruins!