Spy Chimp’s Punishment (Part II) and A New Job
Now let’s see here………………
Well Spy Chimp was in the dungeon in the Princess Kingdom castle dungeon
He been shrunk by the Princess
He wanted out
Dungeon showers were cold!
And he was still tiny!
Sometimes chimps like a warm shower or bath
Or the extra chimpy ones don’t shower
They just munch the bugs that start hiding in their fur
They stinky chimps
That’s the traditional chimp way
They almost never shower
Sometimes they go to groomer and get their fur inspected for mites and lice and ticks
But that’s it
Spy Chimp had been left with an offer
Either pay penance and return to the Nanner Security Agency
Or Spy Chimp’s other option was to be double chimp agent for the Princess
While he was left to consider it
They had left him a HUUUUGE NANNER
It was regular size
Spy Chimp was only 3 inches tall
So it was big to him
The problem was
Princess and Magic Man didn’t yet know about Spy Chimp’s crippling nanner addiction
So when they came down the next day
Spy Chimp had eaten THE ENTIRE BANANA
Spy Chimp had eaten a nanner over 2 times his size!!!
He wasn’t meant to eat all that nanner
Princess and Magic Man couldn’t believe what they found
Spy Chimp had eaten so much nanner he was HUGE
They couldn’t believe it!
He just couldn’t stop eating the nanner the whole night
What were they going to do now?
Spy Chimp clearly couldn’t make it back to the Chimp Empire no matter what he decided
What were they going to do?!?!?
Spy Chimp was smug
He had eaten that whollllle nanner
Bet they didn’t think he could 😏 suckers
Princess and Magic Man had second doubts about offering double chimp job
But Spy Chimp announced he had made a decision!
He would become the Princess and the Wizard’s special double chimp
That nanner was the best nanner he ever had
It was better than Chimp Empire royal nanners
He wanted payment in Princess and Wizard royal magic nanners
And maybe other benefits
He knew he wanted more
He couldn’t think of what else he wanted beyond nanner
So he figured maybe he ask for something else later
Spy Chimp was still tiny and in jail
He was not in good position to make demands
But he’s not the smartest nanner in the nanner bunch
Plus in Spy Chimp’s head
If he stay small
Nanners stay huge
Maybe not all bad
But he knew he would have to do something to earn magic nanners
He would have to………
…… work
Spy Chimp is so lazyyyy
Spy Chimp didn’t want to worrrrrk
He was a chimp’s chimp!
He was Spy Chimp!
Chimp dang it
He had chimp business to attend to
Annnnnd mayyybe he give the Princess and the Wizard Intel
Mainly if he got nanners Spy Chimp was happy
The Wizard and the Princess knew they couldn’t send him back looking like a chimp blimp
He looked like he swallowed a whole chimp nanner plantation
So they made Spy Chimp start working out
He had to lose the nanner weight
Spy Chimp began getting lighter
And losing weight
And he was getting bigger!!!
Not in muscle
Spy Chimp was not work out that hard
He was getting bigger as the spell making him tiny wore off
And the Spy Chimps body was using up all the nanner fuel to make him bigger
Spy Chimp kept working out
Getting bigger
Imagine how many nanners he could pick up now?!?!?
Spy Chimp wanted more snacks
He hasn’t even done that much!!!!
He just burn up calories getting bigger
Princess and Magic Man told him he was being a bad chimp
It was time for more exercise!!!!
Spy Chimp kept working more
He hated it
Eventually Spy Chimp was back to regular size
And regular height
Magic Man had a spell had to use up all the nanner he ate to make him normal size again
But the Wizard and the Princess didn’t want him to know that
Then he might never stop eating nanners and making them use magic so he wouldn’t be a fat blimp chimp
Plus they wanted him to have to do pushups
He was such a lazy chimp
Eventually they decided it was time to send Spy Chimp back
They didn’t give him a nanner phone
They knew better than to give Spy Chimp anything with nanner in it
Or in the name
They gave him special magic glass to send messages
They expected good chimptel
And in exchange he would get secret shipments of the Princess and the Wizard’s magical royal nanners
But it had to be good Intel
Not just who chimp accidentally ran into in bathroom
They didn’t need to hear about how some chimperina was in the bathroom 4 times today
Or how Spy Chimp still didn’t know to knock first
But Spy Chimp agreed
Important chimptel
For important nanners
Then came the next part
Spy chimp couldn’t just go back to the Chimp Empire empty handed
So the Wizard and the Princess gave the chimp a magical wand
Not a real magic wand
It was enchanted to be a chimp listening device
And had secret safeguards against chimps
And special Magic Man protocols in case any chimps found out about their deal with Spy Chimp
Spy Chimp took the “wand” and got back in his hidden chimp car and drove back to the Chimp Empire
He had to report back to his chimp boss and show that he had stolen the Wizards wand after all!
Spy Chimp drove back to the Chimp Empire, trying to think about what chimptel would be worth Princess’ royal nanners
All he had to do first was figure out how to start the chimp mobile
At lease he still had his chimp driver permit
But that’s the story of how Spy Chimp became double chimp agent for Princess and Magic Man