Magic Man Meets an Ancient Lich
While the Princess was seeking magic herbs and Chimp Sage advice….
The Wizard was busy on his own quest
Before he had left for it, he had given the Princess her magic cloak and her magic mirror so she would always be able to talk to him and always be able to feel like he was there
But he knew he would need more to be able to break the curse and make the Princess feel better
So he set out on a secret quest
He told nobody where he had gone, for he didn’t want them to worry
He traveled the world, to the ancient sands
It was said that thousands of years ago, great wizard scholars had lived there, and the ruins of their cities were buried under the sands, never to be seen again
But the Wizard new that the wizard sanctum in the city had been sealed off, except to a few wizards with the secret spells to get inside
He got to the bottom of a great sand dune, and began summoning his magic!
The sands rumbled and shook and shimmered and then a staircase appeared out of the sands!
It even had glowing crystals, known as sunstone managems, that acted like torches, enchanted with magic to never to go out
The Wizard went down to the sanctum, nobody had been there for 10,000 years
The halls were covered in dust and bones and bookshelves filled with forgotten spell books
Every wizard there was long long dead
The Wizard heard nothing in the whole place, except the rattling of bones
Eventually in the library he found out why!!!
There was a glowing skeleton, sitting at the table, wearing a tattered dusty robe, appearing to read one of the books!
The skeleton spoke in his mind!
He said he was the last surviving wizard of the sanctum, meant to protect it and keep its secret, and that his body had turned to dust many times over, come back, died, rotted and turn to dust again
For he was a Lich! His soul had been saved and captured in an urn, and his magic would power it and the spells on the vessel safe
The Wizard was wary
After all, not every day you meet a glowing talking skeleton!
But the Lich claimed that he was happy to be of service, and that he would have no desire to harm the Wizard, for he had found the sanctum on his own magical merit
The Wizard asked the Lich where he might find a secret item, coveted by the royals of the time, 10,000 years ago for its healing qualities, it was said that it could only be blessed and made by the best wizards of the ages
The Lich said that he did know, but that it was guarded by a great monster guardian!
Deep in the sanctuary he needed to find it and defeat it before he could have the secret healing elixir he was looking for
The Lich said that he would guide the wizard to a weapon that he could use to fight the monster!
It was a great wand, that belonged to the Lich in Life!
The Lich showed the Wizard to his chambers, where the first of his bodies had died. And gave the Wizard his wand from his own body
The Wizard was grateful for the great wand, it was clearly very well maintained for millennia
He returned to the library with the Lich, and began working on a plan of attack……..