Magic Man Meets the Princess

A long time ago,

After the sorcerer had slain the many serpents and retrieved the magic to summon them

He went to a small nearby kingdom to present the king with what he found

To his surprise the king was nowhere to be found!

Instead there was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen sitting on the throne

The wizard wasted no time trying to win the favor of the princess

He brought her presents from his many travels

He brought her spells and magic and blooming flowers, yellow and red and pink!

He brought her secrets and food she loved

But the Princess held out, waiting for the wizard to bring her something magnificent

The wizard thought long and hard

And thought of an amazing present

Something from the heart

That would show the princess how much he cared about her

He gave her a little toy bear

One that the wizard had since he was a child

And that had special magic to it

Any time you reached inside the bear’s stomach, you would find what you needed

The Princess loved it!

She loved animals and stuffed animals

And she took to the bear like it was one of her best friends

The first thing she did was see what was inside the bear

What could she need more than anything else?

And to her surprise the bear had snake eggs inside it!

The same eggs the wizard had taken from the slain monster

It could be used to keep the kingdom safe with great serpent beasts and to make sure that nobody harmed the castle or the Princess

The Princess accepted the gift happily!

She was excited to see what else the wizard would bring her

And what other secrets he would tell her and what could be found in the bear he brought her

But right then she was happy to keep the wizard and the bear safe, and to watch over them and take care of them as she knew they would do for her

She went to bed and she slept, excited for the amazing things her wizard would tell her and bring her tomorrow

She wanted to spend more time with the wizard, and listen to him as she fell asleep

She asked the wizard to sleep in bed with her

The wizard held her and made her feel warm and comforted her and helped her to sleep

The wizard would lay with the Princess, and whisper magic in her ear

His magic words would fill her with warmth, and his hands would make her feel like she never wanted to leave

He would brush her hair while she sat in bed, or while she laid down

His warmth made her feel like she could stay comfortable forever in bed with him

But the two knew they couldn’t stay in their bed

They had to keep going and keep exploring

And they went on more adventures

But that’s story for another time………


The Princess’ Secret Curse


Magic Man Fights a Hydra