Princess and Magic Man get Ambushed by Chimps and Kick Chimp Butt

Now let’s see here……….

The Princess and the Wizard were in the study of the great castle

The Wizard had been studying the elixir they got from the ancient magic sanctum, trying to figure out if it would help the Princess and help reduce her symptoms and help reduce or remove the curse

The Wizard was doing lots of experiments and research, and the Princess was just talking to the Wizard, asking about the research, about the elixir, and they had lots of fun talking about awesome things and magic and what the most fun way to kick chimp butt was

Princess loved the idea of kicking chimp’s butts so hard they went flying, and she loved how the wizard could burn with fire magic and and make them explode or be crispy chimps

The Wizard loved how the Princess could clobber the chimps and send them flying, or use one chimp to beat the other chimps to death

And how she could use her bow to pick off chimps one arrow at a time

They both admired the each other

The candles in the study had grown low

The shadows of the night had crept in, leaving the Princess and the Wizard alone with their laughter and the candle light and the books and elixir around them

They were having a wonderful time together

But then in the night they heard a shriek!!!

They both stood up, and rushed to the window!

It was Lucy the guineabear!

She was shrieking up a storm!

What wrong guineabear?

She paced around the grounds nervously

Something was making her upset!

The Princess grabbed her bow, ready

She knew to trust guineabear instincts

Just then, a ways away

Chimps burst forth from the trees!!!!

They had come once again to take the Princess’ castle and mess with the people and the Princess!

They wanted to chimp on everyone!

Lucy had sensed them!

She knew what bad news the chimps were

They came lumbering out of the woods, some short, some tall, all of them looking mean and smelly and dirty and some even dragging their knuckles in the ground!


The Princess wouldn’t stand for chimps attacking her castle or her people!

She began firing arrows as quick as she could out of the window!

The Princess was a great shot!

She would shoot the bow and then at least 1 chimp would fall

Sometimes even 2!

The Princess liked aiming for the big chimps so that when they went down they went


Right down onto the smaller ones and squished them flat!

The Wizard wasn’t going to do nothing!

He jumped in and began throwing fire spells down at the chimps!

The Princess loved hearing the chimps squeal and scream when they were on fire

She told the Wizard she wished that she could do that!

So the Wizard reached out a hand to the front of her bow and lit his finger on fire!

The fire went up the arrow, and when the Princess let go it lit the next chimp she hit on fire!!!

The Princess loved all the magic and the fun of lighting evil chimps on fire!

The Wizard held his hand there, keeping the Princess’ arrows flaming hot as he kept casing his own spells

They kept raining down fire magic and flaming arrows on the evil Chimp Empire chimps

Until they had turned tail and ran allllllll the way back home

All the chimps realized they were no match for Princess and Magic Man!

Lucy the guineabear could finally relax!

And so could the Princess and the Wizard!

Once they were sure they were safe and the chimps weren’t coming back they laughed and laughed

And debated which chimp perished the funniest

Until eventually the Princess fell asleep laying in the Wizards shoulder

The Wizard didn’t want to wake her so he sat perfectly still, until he started falling asleep with his head on the Princess too

They lay against each other sleeping in the study, proud of how much chimp butt they kicked

The two of them fell asleep before long, dreaming of a brighter future with no chimpiness


The Story of How Princess and Lucy the Guineabear Pranked the Wizard


The Story of How Princess Met Lucy the Guineabear